Netapp: Graceful shutdown/power up

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Generall best practices:

  1. Ensure backups are completed
  2. Ensure snapmirror updates are completed

Data ONTAP 7-Mode procedure to bring system down:

If the storage system is clustered, enter cf disable. Alternatively, follow the section ‘For a clustered storage system…’ given below Step 4.

  1. Notify, disconnect and, if needed, shut down all of the connected CIFS/NFS clients.
  2. If there are any hosts that have FCP or iSCSI-based LUNs, shut them down before shutting down the storage system.
  3. Terminate CIFS with the cifs terminate command.
  4. Run the halt command at the storage system command line interface. Allow the storage system to terminate Data ONTAP, and then to the ‘ok’, ‘cfe’ or ‘loader’ prompt.
    For a clustered storage system if you did not run cf disable: run the halt -f -t command on each of the partners.
  5. Physically power down the head, then all the attached disk shelves as needed.
  6. Physically unplug the cables from power supplies on the back of the storage systems and shelves, to avoid any electrical issues when external power is restored.

Clustered Data ONTAP procedure to bring system down:

  1. Notify, disconnect and, if needed, shut down all of the connected CIFS/NFS clients.
  2. If there are any hosts that have FCP or iSCSI-based LUNs, shut them down before shutting down the storage system.
  3. Log in to all nodes, one at a time (preferably using serial console or RLM/SP) and run:
    halt -node local -inhibit-takeover true

    The following will appear after running the halt command above. Type ‘y’ when prompted if you want to continue:
      (system node halt)

    Warning: Rebooting or halting node "node-01" in an HA enabled cluster
             with takeover inhibited may result in a data serving failure and
             client disruption. To ensure continuity of service, do the following
             before rebooting or halting the node: Disable cluster HA using the
             command: "cluster ha modify -configured false".
             To transfer epsilon to the partner node, use the following commands
                    cluster modify -epsilon false -node <local-node>
                    cluster modify -epsilon true -node <partner-node>
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

    Every node might take several minutes to shut down. Each node should then reset and return to the LOADER> prompt. If there is no console or RLM/SP access, you should confirm the overall node down status before halting the final node, by running the system node show command. After the last node is halted, you can power down everything safely.
  4. Physically power down the head, then all the attached disk shelves as needed.
  5. Physically unplug the cables from power supplies on the back of the storage systems and shelves, to avoid any electrical issues when external power is restored.

Procedure to bring the system back online:

  1. Reconnect all the power cables if previously disconnected.
  2. Power on core switches.
  3. Physically power up all disk shelves first. Wait until 30 seconds after the last disk shelf is powered on, then power on the storage system head so that all disks will be available when they are required by Data ONTAP.
  4. Verify the storage system is up, all services are running, and network connectivity is present.
  5. For 7-Mode HA pairs, if cluster was disabled using cf disable, enter cf enable and monitor with cf status.
  6. For clustered ONTAP systems, check cluster show and storage failover show to confirm CFO/SFO is configured/enabled.
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